
What are some other general international travel tips I should know?

Lo que usted debe declarar en las aduanas

  • Los artículos que has comprado y lleva consigo a su regreso a los Estados Unidos.

  • Los artículos que usted recibió como regalos, tales como bodas o regalos de cumpleaños.

  • Los artículos que usted heredó.

  • Los artículos que ha comprado en tiendas libres de impuestos o en el barco o en avión.

  • Las reparaciones o modificaciones a las partidas que tomó el exterior y luego devueltos, incluso si las reparaciones / modificaciones se realizaron de forma gratuita.

  • Los artículos que usted trajo a casa a otra persona.

  • Los elementos que la intención de vender o utilizar en su negocio.

  • Los artículos que adquirió (ya sea comprado o recibido como regalo) en las Islas Vírgenes de los EE.UU., Samoa Americana, Guam, o en una Cuenca del Caribe país Ley de Recuperación Económica por favor, vea la sección en 600 dólares exención para una lista de estos países) que no están en su posesión cuando regrese. En otras palabras, si usted adquirió las cosas en cualquiera de estas naciones isla y pidió al comerciante que se los envíe, aún debe declarar al pasar la aduana. (Esto difiere del procedimiento habitual para los artículos enviados por correo, lo que se discute en la sección de Envío de Goo

Registro de productos antes de salir de los Estados Unidos

Si su ordenador portátil se presentó en Japón - por ejemplo - podría tener que pagar los derechos en ella cada vez que traerlo de vuelta a Estados Unidos, a menos que pudiera demostrar que era titular antes de que te fuiste de viaje. Los documentos que describe completamente el tema - por ejemplo, recibos de venta, pólizas de seguros, o las valoraciones de joyería - son formas aceptables de la prueba. Para facilitar las cosas, se puede registrar determinadas partidas con las aduanas antes de su partida - incluyendo relojes, cámaras, computadoras portátiles, armas de fuego, y las grabadoras de cinta - el tiempo que tienen números de serie u otras marcas únicas y permanentes. Tome los elementos a la Oficina de Aduanas más cercana y solicitar un Certificado de Registro (Formulario Aduanero 4457). Muestra de Aduanas que había los elementos con que antes de salir de los EE.UU. y todos los artículos incluidos se permitirá la entrada libre de impuestos. Los inspectores de aduanas deben ver el elemento que se está registrando a fin de certificar el certificado de registro. Puede registrar los elementos con las aduanas en el aeropuerto internacional de la que estás saliendo. Mantener el certificado para futuros viajes.

Cuando se viaja sobre

  • Siempre permanecer sobrio, atento y discreto.

  • Manténgase alerta y consciente de sus alrededores.

  • Mantenga los números de teléfono de los contactos locales con usted.

  • Mantenga su dinero fuera de la vista - no cuentan en público.

  • Averigüe donde las partes

  • Averiguar la ubicación de las estaciones de policía y obtener los números de teléfono.

  • Por evitar perturbaciones - van por otro camino, de inmediato.

  • Aprenda a operar el teléfono el primer día.

  • Siempre lleve consigo su pasaporte, en la casilla Dejar una copia de seguridad - a menos que las costumbres locales, exijan lo contrario.

  • No deje de investigar los accidentes.

  • Si abordó tratar de mantener la calma, mirar para escapar.

  • Si se siguen ir directamente a la policía, un hotel o la oficina.

Recomendaciones de viaje - llegada a destino

  • Vuelos Reconfirme su futuro - la oficina local puede ser capaz de ayudarle.

  • Cambio de una pequeña cantidad de dólares de EE.UU. por moneda local en el aeropuerto para taxis, propinas, etc Por lo general, obtendrá un mejor tipo de cambio en un banco.

  • Sepa quién lo recibirá y les pido que sean discretos.

  • Registro con el consulado si han estado varios días.

  • Conozca su ruta desde el aeropuerto al alojamiento.

  • sala de Solicitud por encima de planta baja pero no demasiado alto.

  • Compruebe que las salidas y las instrucciones de emergencia.

  • Planee su escape en caso de incendio.

  • Asegúrese de que su teléfono funciona - llame a la mesa.

  • Compruebe que la puerta cierre - tope de la puerta si era necesario.

  • No dejar la llave en el escritorio.

  • Ponga siempre los objetos de valor en las cajas de seguridad.

Software de traducción de idiomas

Ectaco ha desarrollado software de diccionarios Language Teacher durante más de 30 idiomas. El software de traducción de idiomas es compatible con todas las plataformas y sistemas operativos, incluyendo: Palm OS Pocket PC / Windows CE 3.x EPOC R5 Windows 9x/NT/2000/ME Linux productos de software de Ectaco proporcionar una traducción rápida y precisa de 400.000 palabras para cada par de idiomas. La función principal del Traductor de voz Partner es la sustitución de un intérprete en situaciones tan estándar como registro de un hotel, servicios bancarios, comerciales, etc Usted dice una frase en Inglés, y el programa reconoce lo que ha dicho y pronuncia la traducción en el idioma de destino seleccionado . Al iniciar el estudio de un idioma extranjero y tratar de pronunciar sus primeras frases, es útil contar con una ayuda práctica - un casete, CD o incluso un hablante nativo. Es casi imposible aprender a hablar correctamente por su cuenta. Ahora tienes una nueva manera totalmente contemporánea de estudiar el lenguaje - el Remover Accent Partner. Los sistemas de PROMT MT traducir las masas de documentos de texto y aun muy grandes en cuestión de segundos. El resultado es un texto correcto y legible, no una "palabra por palabra" traducción. Para más información: / ECTACO / index.html

Seguro de Viajero Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find a good currency converter?

What documents am I required to bring when I travel?

Should I bring my immunization records with me?

What else should I consider taking with me when I travel?

What items should I leave at home when I travel?

What travel documents should I take with me when I travel?

What are some items I should take with me when I travel?

What precautions should I take while traveling?

What are some other general international travel tips I should know?

What are some travel warnings I should know about?

What are the symptoms of SARS and how does it spread?

What are the health recommendations for traveling outside th USA?

What is some advice on travel medical insurance?

What information can be provided about Customs?

What are some examples of prohibited and restricted items at customs?

What is some good Trip Cancellation Insurance?

What is some advice on finding good trip cancellation insurance?

What are travel warnings issued by the State Department?

What are public announcements issued by the State Department?

What are Consular Information Sheets issued by the State Department?

What are some good safety tips travelers should follow?

How can I contact an American Embassy in a foreign country?

What safety tips should I be aware of when I arrive at my destination?

What are some travel and terrorism tips?

What are some travel safety tips I should be aware of?

How can you get more room on a flight?

How can you stop your ears from hurting?

What can you do if you don't like airline food?

Where should you pack all of the stuff you need for the plane?

Why would you volunteer to be bumped from a flight?

Where can you find travel warnings about a certain country?

What should you do if a country's water is not safe to drink?

What type of travel insurance is good for traveling?

Why should you factor weather in when planning a trip?

What should women do if they are traveling alone?

Why should you not do an extreme sport without a lesson?

What should you know about STDs before you travel?

What are some travel tips for traveling in a 3rd world nation?

Why do you need a guide in certain countries?

Why would you need a money belt?

How can you prevent Diarrhea?

Where do you get your passport?

Where can you find more information about a country?

Why should you go on the Bureau of Counselor Affairs website?

Why would you need to go to an embassy?

What are some travel warnings I should know about?

Why would you take a long distance taxi?

What can you do for airsickness?

What should you get for a child that will be flying?

Why should you wear sweats on an airplane?

What rules should I be aware of before departure and at the airport?

Why would you need to buy a map?

Should you buy luggage with wheels?

How can you fight germs in 3rd world nations?

What precautions should I take while traveling?

Should you rent a car when you are on vacation?

How can you check your email in another country?

How can an ATM help you during your travels?

What should I do after I arrive at a destination?

What is a departure tax?

Why should you be polite at customs?

What happens if you don't declare everything at customs?

Can you transport paintings through customs?

Can you bring soil through customs?

Why shouldn't you buy pets in other countries?

Why shouldn't you wrap your gifts before you go through customs?

What is a trade embargo?

How do you buy government seized stuff?

Does customs have the right to search you?

What are some examples of prohibited and restricted items at customs?

How can your find out about the terrorist climate in the country you are going to?

How should you dress to protect yourself against terrorism?

Why should you stay away from protest rallys?

Why should you avoid being early to catch a train or bus?

How can you prepare for a terrorist attack?

Why should you pack a First-Aid kit?

Why is CPR valuable to know?

Why would you need medical travel insurance?

Why would you use your credit card company to buy travel insurance?

Does travel insurance guard against extreme sport accidents?

Does every Travel Insurance policy offer the same coverage?

Why are mini-plans so good?

Does Canadian health insurance offer travel benefits?

Why should you buy your insurance from a well-known company?

What's so great about Default Insurance?

What type of travel insurance should you get if you are traveling while someone is ill in your family?

Why should you bring over-the-counter medicine?

Does the US use the same electrical outlets as other countries do?

Why would you need a digital watch to travel with?

What is some advice on travel medical insurance?

Why should you make a mini list when traveling?

Why should you make a list of the sites you want to visit?

Why should you make a list of people you need to get gifts for?

Why are memory cards helpful?

What is a sleep sack?

Should you check your bag?

Why shouldn't you keep anything of value in the outside pockets of your backpack?

Why would you buy disposable items?

Why should you buy travel versions of products like shampoos?

Why should you create a packing checklist?

Why should you pack extra batteries?

How should you pack your shoes?

What documents am I required to bring when I travel?

How can signs help you in a foreign country?

Where is the best place to get foreign news from?

Why should you check with the front desk for information?

Why are signs so helpful in a foreign country?

How can you make sure your electronics are safe?

Why should you do when you want to take out money from an ATM?

What type of tips should you give a teenager before they go off on an international trip?

How can you avoid 2nd hand smoke?

What are some changes your body might experience when flying?

What can you do reduce muscles being cramped while sitting on an airplane?

Why should you make sure you drink a lot while flying?

Where can you find travel safety tips?

Why should you visit an embassy?

Why else can a travel agent provide aside from the trip basics?

Can you travel if you have a handicap?

Can you travel as a senior citizen?

What can you do if you don't know the language?

What type of insurance do you need if you are afraid of cancelling a trip?

How can you get discount travel insurance for your business?

What doesn't travel insurance cover?

Why is it good to still be in college when you're traveling?

Can you get travel insurance if you have a pre-existing condition?

How much should you pay for travel insurance?

What are Acts of God?

Why should you buy Travel/Cancellation insurance?

How can you get travel insurance for less?

What happens if you buy travel insurance at the last minute?

What is some good Trip Cancellation Insurance?

What if you had a loved one trapped in a country at war?

What is some advice on finding good trip cancellation insurance?

What kind of guidebook should you buy for your trip?

Why would you need to know the locaion of the police station?

Why should you call the airport before you takeoff?

Where are travel warnings issued by the State Department?

How can I protect my expensive vacation?

What should I look for in a trip-cancellation insurance plan?

What won't my trip-cancellation policy cover?

Can I use my trip-cancellation policy if I can't get time off from work?

Do I need trip-interruption insurance?

How do I make sure I don't buy too much travel insurance?

How can I save time shopping for travel insurance?

Should I buy travel insurance through my travel agent?

What should I look for in a flight insurance policy?

Do I need travel insurance if I'm not travelling internationally?

Is a waiver as good as insurance in my cruise insurance package?

Will Medicare cover my travel health insurance needs?

How can I plan a trip around my kids' illnesses?

How can I avoid paying hospital bills upfront when overseas?

Can I get a longer term travel insurance policy?

Will my travel insurance policy be the same as the one in the brochure?

Should I buy travel insurance through a cruise line?

What should I look for when insuring my property during vacation?

How will my insurance policy cover my valuables?

How can I protect my family from expenses that may occur if I pass away on vacation?

Does my primary health insurance cover me when I travel?

Does travel medical insurance cover bungee jumping?

Do travel insurance companies cover pre-existing conditions?

How do I stay on top of medical travel alerts?

Do I need medical evacuation coverage?

What should I look for in a travel medical insurance policy?

Can I get insured if I'm going to a country that has a lot of terrorist activity?

Is there discount travel insurance for groups?

Are there medical insurance plans for student groups?

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